
Mikal Otten

Owner, Designer

Mikal pushes the boundaries of kitchen design and seeks out unexpected, elegant solutions to practical problems. He excels at balancing the technical with the creative, and the result is something unique, stunning and functional. He credits his father with fueling his passion for kitchen design. Mikal’s unique approach and perspective help him see beyond the confines of measurements and space plans. He develops a vision for each kitchen that takes on a rich life and story of its own.


Marcus Otten


Marcus approaches his work with the following belief: “Quality is never an accident. It is the result of intention, effort, direction and execution.” That level of dedication is evident in each of his projects.


Paul Anderson


Paul joins the EKD team with nearly 30 years of experience within the luxury kitchen design industry. From operations, to design and manufacturing – he is well versed in each aspect of kitchen design.


Eric Parlin


As an NKBA Certified Kitchen Designer (CKD), and after working with Colorado kitchen clients for over 20 years, Eric Parlin has learned how to apply established, proven design principles to accommodate the unique needs of each client.


Our Team

Lisa Otten
Partner, Controller 

Russell Otten
Operations Manager

Peter Otten
Project Manager Director

Mel Karlson
Project Manager

Donovan Schoenrock
Project Manager

Ben Timmons
Project Manager 

Carlos Caballero
Project Manager 

Chris Davis
Project Manager

Steve Otten
Field Operations Manager

KC Heister
Installation Specialist 

Grady Anderson
Warehouse Associate

Wayne Flax
Field Operations 

Bryce Timmons
Warehouse Manager